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+234 808 465 0082

1810 Kings Way, Lagos



We are an organization dedicated to helping young people build capacity, gain relevance as role models, and become leaders in their communities. We believe that every young person has the potential to make a positive impact in the world, and we are committed to supporting them as they work to achieve their goals and realize their full potential.

At NICHUB, we offer a variety of programs and initiatives that are designed to support young people in their personal and professional development. Whether you are looking to build your skills, gain new experiences, or make a difference in your community, we have something for you.


Our mission

We are on the Mission To provide young people with the skills, knowledge, and resources they need to build capacity, gain relevance as role models, and become leaders in their communities. We achieve this mission by offering a variety of programs and initiatives that support personal growth, grit, and gut and by creating positive and supportive platforms and environments where young people can grow, learn, and achieve their goals.


Our vision

To empower young people to achieve their full potential and make a positive impact in their communities.

Our core values

We are all about GUT, GRIT and GROWTH.




We offer a variety of programs and initiatives that are designed to support young people in their personal and professional development through our core values. We do this, by creating positive and supportive platforms and environments where young people can grow, learn, and achieve their goals. Whether you are looking to build your skills, gain new experiences, or make a difference in your community, we have something for you.

We are all about GUT, GRIT and GROWTH 

Gut: At NICHUB, we believe that the gut, or inner guidance and intuition, is a crucial aspect of personal and professional development. We prioritize this quality as a core value because we know that it will help young people make better decisions, stay true to their values, and achieve their goals. We support gut as a core value by encouraging young people to listen to their inner guidance and to stay true to their intentions.

Grit: is a term that refers to the ability to persevere and stay committed to long-term goals despite challenges or setbacks. At NICHUB, we believe grit is an important quality for achieving success, and it is particularly valuable for young people as they work to build capacity and gain relevance as role models. As one of our core values, we support grit in a variety of ways, including encouraging young people to set challenging goals for themselves and providing resources and support to help them persevere through difficult times. We also encourage a growth mindset and a willingness to learn from mistakes, as these qualities are key to developing grit.

Growth: At NICHUB, we prioritize personal growth as a core value in order to help young people build capacity, gain relevance as role models, and become leaders in their communities. We support this value through professional development opportunities, encouraging young people to take on new challenges and responsibilities, and offering resources and support for learning and self-improvement. We also conduct regular performance reviews and goal-setting processes to help young people identify areas for growth and development.


We prioritize every essence and object of SDG4 through one of our cohort programs the ” Growth Mentorship Program” which is a 3 Month Cohort Program where we train scholars in different business, career, and personal development skills to inspire their abilities to lifelong opportunities in their society in which they live.


At NICHUB, we provide mentorship and help young people build capacity that enhances their chances of securing or creating decent jobs while equally actualizing their full potential.


We are committed at NICHUB to this goal through our programs and dedication to equipping, nurturing, and building technical skills in young people to be self-fulfilled in tody’s modern world.

Let’s Learn Together!

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